How to use patient registration and make a payment pages
These pages will take you to our secure Patient Connect portal where you can fill out all of the forms or make your payment. You will be asked to create a log in for security purposes. Once you do that, you will be able to see all family members linked to your account, upcoming appointments and account balance. It is NOT an app, so you may want to bookmark this site for future use. Creating a log in does not seem to be required just recommended.
When working on the forms, if you are interupted your connection may time out for security and HIPAA reasons. We are still learning this program with you and are using your feedback to help others as they fill out their forms. It seems the form doesn’t submit until you sign it, but it also doesn’t save previously entered information if not signed and submitted.
When filling out multiple family members forms, the start page may show the forms as “Completed” if you click on the form, you will get a blank form that you can then fill out for the next person.
If you have any questions or issues, please let us know. If we don’t have the answer, we wll do our best to get the answer.
The payments page is also a new service for us and we are working on how to best use it. You can make a payment without creating a Patient Connect account, but you will not have access to see your balance. The processing service will be changing this summer, the basics of making a payment should stay the same, but the look of the page may change.